Tag Archives: scientist

“THIRD of UK Covid victims in July and August ‘died from OTHER causes’ – including cancer or being hit by a car – Oxford University scientists reveal”

“A third of the people recorded to have died from Covid-19 in July and August may have actually passed away due to other causes, such as cancer or being hit by a car, Oxford University research has suggested   Experts at Oxford … Continue reading

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“Superhuman sight: Scientists develop 3D prosthetic eye ‘better than real thing'”

“It may sound like science fiction, but it’s real science at its finest. An international team of scientists has created a 3D artificial eye that looks human-like — and actually functions better than a human eye or any other bionic … Continue reading

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“Leading scientist warns of the danger of a pandemic triggered by chicken farms that could kill half the world’s population”

“This apocalyptic warning comes from Dr Michael Greger, a scientist, medical guru and campaigning nutritionist who has long advocated the overwhelming benefits of a plant-based diet. He’s a self-confessed sweet potatoes, kale and lentils man. Meat, in all its forms, … Continue reading

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“Unexplained anomaly weakening Earth’s magnetic field is EVOLVING and SPLITTING in two, warn scientists”

“The ESA has deployed its constellation of satellites to investigate unusual weaknesses in Earth’s magnetic field. It appears that the strange anomaly believed to be responsible is now evolving and splitting in two. The unexplained force, referred to as the … Continue reading

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GOOD NEWS: “…German scientists find antibodies that BLOCK coronavirus from spreading further”

“Scientists have detected an antibody that blocks the coronavirus from entering cells, providing a much-needed shield for severely ill patients. While not a cure or vaccine, it is still a significant development. “This is clearly a breakthrough that shows that … Continue reading

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“Video From 2018 Shows Chinese Scientists Working On Coronavirus In Wuhan Lab”

“Video footage aired by Chinese state media has revealed Chinese scientists at the Wuhan Institute of virology studying ‘a novel coronavirus’ that they discovered within bats in 2018, less than two years before the outbreak. The video was broadcast by … Continue reading

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“Senator Cotton: China’s Actions Deliberately Malevolent; Their Scientists Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Study In US”

“Senator Tom Cotton slammed the communist Chinese government, describing its actions as “deliberately malevolent” when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic. He also suggested that Chinese students should not be allowed to study sciences within the US until the country … Continue reading

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Good News: “Natural light, fresh air are keys to keeping virus out, scientists say”

“In a scientific review, published in the journal mSystems, a team of researchers reveal two things every home and office can do to lower the transmission of COVID-19. First, scientists recommend opening up windows to improve air flow. The team … Continue reading

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“Prof. Francis Boyle: 13,000 “death scientists”… destroying humanity… germ warfare…”

“The American legal authority who in 1989 drafted the law Congress enacted to comply with the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention says the U.S. today [October 11, 2015] is in flagrant violation of that Convention… Boyle said an estimated 13,000 “death … Continue reading

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“Mysterious new virus ‘90% different to everything in existence’ baffles scientists”

“A mysterious new virus of completely unknown origin has emerged from a lake in Brazil leaving scientists“puzzled”. Being dubbed the Yaravirus, the microscopic organism was discovered in the artificial lake Pampulha in Belo Horizonte. The new form of virus has stunned experts … Continue reading

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