Tag Archives: execute

“ISIS… execute nearly a dozen Christians around Christmastime”

“ISIS-aligned jihadists have released a video claiming to show the execution of 11 blindfolded Christian men in Nigeria, in what analysts say was a barbaric act that was clearly timed to coincide with Christmas, according to reports…” https://nypost.com/2019/12/27/isis-monsters-execute-nearly-a-dozen-christians-around-christmastime/ Christianity is … Continue reading

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“China’s Solution To “Tyrannical” Billionaires Who Harm The Economy: Execution”

“Liu Han, a 49-year-old mining tycoon once worth at least £4.2 billion, was one of five alleged mafia kingpins to receive the death penalty after being convicted of offences including gun-running and murder.” http://www.prisonplanet.com/chinas-solution-to-tyrannical-billionaires-who-harm-the-economy-execution.html China may be evil but at … Continue reading

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Prediction: Future blackouts blamed on “storms” rather than increasing number of power plants shut down

“Lights Out, New York? Bigger Storms Could Cause More Blackouts: Study” “Topping the list of cities most likely to see a big surge in power outages were New York City, Philadelphia, Jacksonville, Fla., Virginia Beach, Va., and Hartford Conn. Cities … Continue reading

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“Viguerie: Impeach or shut down gov’t to stop amnesty”

“Legendary conservative activist Richard Viguerie is imploring Republican leaders in Congress to do whatever is necessary – including impeachment or refusing to fund parts of the government – to stop President Obama’s plan to unilaterally legalize up to six million illegal immigrants … Continue reading

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People always ask “How do we stop the NWO?” I’m going to tell you.

WE EXECUTE THEM! It’s the only way. The governments around the world have to do its job and eliminate these people engaging in treason. This is the quickest, easiest, simplest, most effective way.

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