Tag Archives: brawl

Massive Protest: “dozens injured in street battles… Beirut”

“Dozens of people were injured and hospitalized in Beirut during street battles between thousands of anti-government protesters and armed police amid a worsening political and economic crisis in Lebanon. Protesters hurled debris, bottles and fireworks while police used tear gas, … Continue reading

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Good News: Police end Antifa brawl in Portland in 1 minuet

“A demonstration billed as a march for “law and order” in the streets of Portland descended into chaos as rival political factions broke into bloody brawls downtown Saturday night. Members of the right-wing group Patriot Prayer and their black-clad adversaries, … Continue reading

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“VIDEO: Anti-Trump rioters brawl — with each other!”

“Some people just want to see the world burn. As anti-Trump rioters wreaked havoc in the streets of Portland, Oregon on Thursday, they ended up turning on each other and brawling in the road way.” http://www.theamericanmirror.com/video-anti-trump-rioters-brawl/ . The video is … Continue reading

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Brawl at IHOP!

People don’t play no games at IHOP! I have a dark sense of humor so I think this is hilarious.

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“Russia England Brawl after Euro Soccer 1-1 Draw”

Updating this post as you read this

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